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Anne Givaudan and Antoine Achram have pooled their skills – to make books and seminars available to those seeking to reconcile science and consciousness, enabling them to find greater serenity in everyday life and greater coherence between the different planes of their being.
Anne Givaudan
Anne Givaudan is the author and the co-author of 25 books translated in eleven countries.
For many years (since 1979) she has been known for her experiences of out-of-body traveling and Essenes therapies that have allowed her to put astounding experiences at the disposal of the greater public.
Her books are teachings about the world of after-life, about main questions of our present lives and also life on other planets. She wishes that her discoveries and contacts will help each of us to find our true nature: multidimensional and limitless.
Antoine Achram
Antoine Achram, always in quest of a global approach that respects the patient while looking for the profound causes of the diseases, he has been practicing Essene care for several years, a method both ancient and revolutionary that he teaches in several countries with his spouse: Anne Givaudan.