Planetary meditation january 2020

I’d like to wish you all the very best for the coming year. I know it’s going to be a difficult one, everyone is saying so, from astrologers to mediums… and it’s true.
I’d like to propose a meditation which will use our inner power to make things as good as possible, despite everything, and help us take an active role in the events ahead.
What I’ve been shown is a meditation we normally use in Essenian healing, although it’s not usual to disseminate this to the general public.
It really is a global, planetary meditation.
We could focus on a precise point on the planet, a specific country or situation, but there are other people who do this very well.
What I’ve been asked to do is to share this meditation with those who listen to me and follow me, and perform it for the whole of the planet.
As with the card I’m sending on the butterfly effect, we know that a little ray of light, multiplied one thousand-fold, can create a huge tsunami of light on the planet earth… and that’s the aim.
Today, in this meditation, I propose you receive light at the level of the seventh chakra, just over your head, and let it flow, lighting up your third eye, down to the heart chakra. From each of these points -third eye and heart- let a ray emerge so that the two converge above the planet earth, and visualise the planet completely bathed in light.
I don’t want us to stop at any place in particular on the planet more than any other, because simply we don’t know what is good or beneficial. It’s just like with illnesses, we don’t know what’s going to happen afterwards, or how things will be cured… However, this light will help you transform yourself towards things of beauty. It is this light that will find the way and the solutions. Send this light as much as you can. I propose you do it for a minimum of 5 minutes a day. At least during the daytime, and best at midday, but you can do it again at any time and intensify it on the day before the full moon and that of the full moon. This will help heighten the meditations. Five minutes is a minimum, or you can meditate up to one hour or throughout the day. All those who want to do it can find a little time. Since we have correspondents in various countries, midday may be different, but this is not important. In this way, we can create a continuous chain of light. After one month, we can evaluate the results, see what happened and whether we have to modify certain things. I’ll keep you informed. We cannot continue to rely on outside bodies to save us from fires, wars or other things. What you can do, however, is to send light at subtle levels, which clearly will have repercussions on the physical plane and will help fulfill you and stay standing upright in the midst of everything to come. This is simply my warmest wish for you for the coming year 2020. I send you lots of love. Anne.

Anne Givaudan et Antoine Achram